Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Human Rights Defenders

人权组织:十八大期间至少两访民死亡 (Rights Groups: At Least 2 Petitioners Died during 18th Party Congress)
Deutsche Welle, November 19, 2012

异议作家李必丰被判刑12年 (Dissident Poet Li Bifeng Sentenced to 12 Years for "Fraud", Friends Say Conviction Due to Writing, Funding Dissidents)
Deutsche Welle, November 19, 2012

For more on Li Bifeng, see Liao Yiwu's Acceptance Speech for the 2012 Kapuściński Award for Literary Reportage:
为他人的自由而写 ——2012年卡普钦斯基国际报导文学奖答谢词
Writing for the Freedom of Others
China Rights Forum, 2012, no. 1
CH: http://www.hrichina.org/cn/crf/article/6174
EN: http://www.hrichina.org/crf/article/6142