Monday, July 15, 2013

Death Penalty

湖南一起死刑执行 未通知家属引争议 (China executes businessman without informing his family, court apologizes for misleading Weibo post claiming no right to family visit before execution)
Beijing News, July 14, 2013

Chinese court executes man without telling family
Agence France-Presse,July 14, 2013

See announcement:
Changsha Intermediate People's Court, July 13, 20

曾成杰被处死 女儿微博称不知情 (Court failed to inform family before execution, daughter of businessman claims)
West China City Daily, July 15, 2013

Related Weibo:
曾成杰之女, July 14, 2013
……我6月14还见了最高院刑二庭法官,他说一定会秉公执法,查清所有证据,不受湖南官员和周强的影响,让我相信法律。结果我7月13日看三湘都市报的报道才知道6月14日死刑核准书已经下达 (I met the judge from the criminal court of the Supreme Court on June 14, he said the court would go through the procedure impartially and according to law. ……In fact, after reading the newspaper on July 13, I discovered that the approval for the death penalty was actually issued on June 14.)