Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Death Penalty

曾成杰之女:想当面问问法官父亲是否有遗言 (Daughter of executed prisoner wants to question presiding judge directly, legal experts point to potential violations of law)
Caijing, July 15, 2013

In China they execute Ponzi schemers in secret, and the rule of law is questionable
Quartz, July 15, 2013

Related Weibo:
检察官杨斌 (Prosecutor Yang Bin), July 15, 2013
[公众哗然于曾成杰的被“秘密”执行死刑,如果人们知道,此乃死刑执行的常态, 甚至只是死刑执行中诸多人性与法律幽暗深处的小小一角,又该当何想呢?公权的 傲慢与狂妄,司法的冷酷与残暴,其实远远超出人们想象。清算总会到来,即使我 深怀敬畏,即使我日日忏悔,即使,我也是那该被诅咒与被审判的一员。] (The public is in uproar over the "secret" execution of Zeng Chengjie, but how will the public react if it is told that this is how execution is carried out normally in China and that this case is only a small corner in the vast darkness of human nature and the legal system? Official power is so arrogant and out of control, the judicial system is so cruel and cold that it is beyond our comprehension. The day of reckoning will come. Despite my fear and daily repentance, I am also one of those who should be cursed and judged.)