Friday, July 26, 2013

Land, Housing, Property (土地、财产、房屋)

国土部:农村集体土地确权完成(Minister of Land and Resources: registration of collective-owned land in rural area is complete)
Economic Information Daily, July 26, 2013

北大学者姜明安:新土管法或明年出台 (Beijing law professor: new land management legislation may be introduced in 2014, rural land rights to be strengthened)
21st Century Media, July 26, 2013

山东调查“夫妻裸体被绑房屋遭强拆” (Shandong authorities are investigating abduction and forced eviction case)
Dongfang Daily, July 25, 2013

湖南近百农民立“生死状”讨5亩地 (Hunan farmers pledge to fight to the death to reclaim land unlawfully sold)
Beijing News, July 26, 2013