Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Land, Property, Housing

Land rights campaigners strike at second embassy
South China Morning Post, July 16, 2013

Related Weibo:
屈默, July 17, 2013
[【屈默:“拆”字为何挂在中国驻加拿大使馆门口?】继中国驻美国大使馆遭“拆” 字涂鸦后,中国驻加拿大使馆近日也被挂上写有“拆”字的白板。拆迁是当下中国各 级政府乐此不疲的大事。在各大城市街头,随处可见“拆”字。一个“拆”字,几乎就 是一部老百姓的血泪史。对此,政府需要反思,而不是愤怒。] (After the word "demolish" was spray-painted onto the front entrance of the Chinese Embassy in the U.S., a white board with the same character was affixed to the fence of the Chinese Embassy in Canada. Forced eviction is currently a favorite activity among Chinese authorities at all levels. We can see the word "demolish" everywhere on the streets, amounting to a people's history of tears and blood. The government needs to reflect on this situation rather than get angry.)