Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Death Penalty (死刑)

Video reignites death penalty debate in China
Wall Street Journal, August 13, 2013

See Weibo post:
Lawyer Pang Kun, August 12, 2013
@庞琨律师: 司法处罚的文明程度也代表这个制度下的文明程度,这个视频至少可以认为鸡国的司法文明还停留在啫毛饮血阶段。但也不得不反思,那些高官犯罪份子可以享受的待遇 (The nature of judicial punishment also reflects the level of civilization of the entire social system. This video at least indicates that [China's] judicial civilization is stuck at a pre-historic age. It also makes us think about the special treatment received by criminals who were high-level officials.)