Friday, August 09, 2013

Media (媒体)

Chinese state media: online critics "incite political unrest"
Tea Leaf Nation, August 8, 2013

Related Weibo post:
謙女時評, August 1, 2013
[【 新华社:中国若动荡,只会比苏联更惨】请看俄罗斯现在"惨状":1,全民免费医疗;2,实行学龄前,基础和中等职业免费教育,并提供免费午餐;3,女55岁,男60岁,就可领养老金,不论是否为国家工作过;4,水,电,暖气由国家承担;5,人均收入达12700美元(中国人均收入约1000美元);6,还有更惨的,俄罗斯人有选票。]
([Xinhua News Agency: China Would End up Worse than Former USSR in Case of Political Turmoil] Let’s take a look at how “bad” the situation is in Russia. 1. Universal health coverage. 2. Free pre-school, elementary, and secondary vocational school education with free lunch provided; 3. Pension available to all female citizens aged 55 and above and male, 60 and above, regardless of previous employment. 4. Water, electricity, and heat covered by the State. 5. GDP per capita of $12,700 (China’s being $1,000). 6. You know what’s even worse? They can vote.)