山西省委附近爆炸嫌疑人承认蓄意报复社会 (Explosion suspect arrested, confesses to “intentional retaliation against society”)
CCTV, November 8, 2013
China plays down Shanxi blasts as work of “powerless extremists”
Radio Free Asia, November 7, 2013
Related Tencent Weibo posts:
高麟,November 8, 2013
应该说是报复政府吧,是政府对我们老百姓不公的。希望以后这样的是别伤着普通老百姓就是了,也希望别被抓住。 【评】山西省委附近爆炸嫌疑人承认蓄意报复社会 [It should be retaliation against the government. It is the government that is unjust to our people. I hope that if a similar thing happens again, ordinary people are not injured and the suspect is not caught.]
大自然, November 8, 2013
他的罪大恶极不及醉警无端枪杀无辜孕妇的百分之一, 不及张磊民警枪杀两无辜村民的十分之一,不及醉警抢夺无辜婴儿摔地的十分之一,这些无辜死伤家属情绪都稳定吗?答案是永迈N0 坚持走邪路_为: 一个人能干那么大的事?[His guilt is less than one hundredth of that of a drunk police officer shooting an innocent pregnant woman; less than one tenth of that of police officer Zhang Lei who shot dead two innocent villagers; less than one tenth of that of a drunk police officer who threw a baby to the ground. Would the family members of these innocent victims ever be mentally stable? The answer is NO, never!] http://t.qq.com/p/t/309733029314035