Friday, March 27, 2015

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong press freedom index falls amid self-censorship and attacks on journalists
South China Morning Post, March 27, 2015

国际之都香港的免费电视台或将出现一言堂 (Hong Kong may soon have only one free TV channel)
Radio France Internationale, March 27, 2015中国/20150327-国际之都香港的免费电视台或将出现一言堂/

民建联议员漠视香港司法独立批评“警察抓人法官放人” (Pro-Beijing Democratic Alliance politician Elizabeth Quat scorns Hong Kong’s judicial independence: “police catch people and courts let them go” since Occupy Movement)
Radio France Internationale, March 27, 2015政治/20150327-民建联议员漠视香港司法独立批评“警察抓人法官放人”/