Friday, May 15, 2015

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

Chinese human rights lawyers Pu Zhiqiang indicted for “inciting ethnic hatred”
South China Morning Post, May 15, 2015

VOA连线:浦志强被以涉嫌煽动民族仇恨、寻衅滋事罪起诉 (Pu Zhiqiang indicted on charges of inciting ethnic hatred and picking quarrels and provoking troubles [VIDEO])
Voice of American, May 15, 2015

Related Twitter post:
@49laihong: 斯伟江:浦的涉案言论完全在言论自由的范畴,浦的发言是基于对这个国家、人民的爱和责任,对浦志强的起诉没有法律依据,浦志强无罪。判决结果已经可以预料,但历史的判决一定会宣告老浦无罪。

@49laihong: Si Weijiang: Pu’s words (for which he’s being charged) are completely within the scope of freedom of expression, and are based on his love and respect for China & its citizens. His prosecution has no legal basis, Pu is not guilty. We can already guess what the verdict will be, but history will declare his innocence.