Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Government Accountability (政府问责)

北京“六四”26周年临近 天安门母亲被公安看守 (Tiananmen Mothers closely monitored by public security as anniversary of June Fourth draws near)
Radio Free Asia, May 26, 2015

Chinese local governments agree to settle bills after being sued
The Financial Times, May 25, 2015

China officials made to tour jail in corruption warning
British Broadcasting Corporation, May 25, 2015

Nanning government chief accused of graft
South China Morning Post, May 24, 2015

男子讨薪不成反被判敲诈勒索 获国家赔偿8.6万 (Man who sought back pay convicted of extortion and blackmail, later receives RMB 86,000 in state compensation)
Southern Metropolis Daily, May 22, 2015