Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong's Tiananmen massacre museum under pressure: activists
Radio Free Asia, May 11, 2015

Pro-Beijing group stages petition in support of Hong Kong government's electoral reforms
Channel NewsAsia, May 11, 2015

學術及專業界聯署籲否決假普選方案 (Academic and professional circles jointly petition to vote down “fake” universal suffrage proposal)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 12, 2015

周融質疑三大學聯合民調能否代表全港市民 (Robert Chow Yung, leader of anti -Occupy Central‬ campaign doubts that 3 universities’ joint opinion poll on the political reform proposal can be representative of all HK residents)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 12, 2015

史密斯议员:香港应拒绝现有选举方案 (U.S. lawmaker Chris Smith: Hong Kong should reject the current election proposal)
Voice of America, May 12, 2015