Friday, May 15, 2015

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong ministers and officials slow to sign pro-reform petition
South China Morning Post, May 15, 2015

Meeting sought between democrats and Beijing
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 15, 2015

陳文敏認為政改表決6月非死線 可延遲數月 (Former HKU law dean Johannes Chan: June is not final deadline to vote on political reform package, a few months’ delay is possible)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 15, 2015

法律學者:一地兩檢倘列入基本法附件破壞法治 (Law academic: Juxtaposed border control, if included in Basic Law annex, would harm rule of law)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 15, 2015

梁愛詩相信有辦法解決高鐵一地兩檢爭議 (Former HK Secretary for Justice Elsie Leung: there are ways to settle the disputes over juxtaposed border control)
Radio Television Hong Kong, May 15, 2015