Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Government Accountability (政府问责)

周案落幕 打虎告停 纪委削权 内斗方酣
Has Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign been derailed?
China in Perspective, June 13, 2015
CH: http://www.chinainperspective.com/ArtShow.aspx?AID=46666
EN: http://www.slguardian.org/

Chinese military to probe building projects for evidence of corruption
South China Morning Post, June 16, 2015

CPC expels two former senior officials
Xinhua, June 15, 2015

China arrests former senior energy executive after graft probe
Reuters, June 16, 2015

首套领导干部国学教材出版 各级干部将轮训 (First set of leadership cadre’s national education materials published, to be used as training material for various levels of cadres)
Tencent, June 15, 2015

最高检:一年多近3万人因破坏环境资源犯罪被起诉 (Supreme People’s Procuratorate: In over a year, nearly 3000 people charged with destruction of environmental resources)
China News, June 16, 2015

Expert asks how government spends social welfare money it gets from lotteries
Caixin, June 15, 2015

国家赔偿,不能等同于“补工资”(State Compensation cannot be equal to a “supplementary wage”)
East Morning News, July 14, 2015