被羁押十数月后判无罪 他们称要讨回公道 (Detained for over 10 months before being found not guilty, they say they want justice returned to them)
Yangcheng Evening News, September 11, 2015
女子被非法拘禁4天索赔5亿 维权24年获赔2千 (Woman unlawfully taken into custody for 4 days seeks RMB 500 million, but 24 years spent standing up for her rights gets her RMB 2,000 in compensation)
Xinhua, September 11, 2015
记者刘虎不获起诉 将申请国家赔偿 (Journalist Liu Hu will not be prosecuted, says will apply for state compensation)
Radio Free Asia, September 11, 2015
After Tianjin blast, homeowners tell of pressure to accept compensation
China Digital Times, September 11, 2015
中央党校原副校长:中央酝酿高级领导人行为准则 (Former VP of Central Party School: Central government considering a code of conduct for senior party leaders)
Bejing Daily, September 9, 2015
China's top graft-buster breaks taboo by discussing Communist Party's “legitimacy”
South China Morning Post, September 11, 2015
China unveils details to fix state-owned enterprises
Al Jazeera, September 13, 2015
Company had 24 “naked officials”, authorities say
China Daily, September 14, 2015
China's energy giant Sinopec to sell off hotels and ditch cars in graft crackdown
The Guardian, September 14, 2015
Forcing a woman to have an abortion at eight months: Welcome to 21st century China
The Telegraph, September 11, 2015