Thursday, September 24, 2015

Opinion and Editorial (观点和社论)

Full text: China President Xi gives policy speech in Seattle, wants to fight cybercrime with the U.S.
Geekwire, September 22, 2015

Silicon Valley shouldn’t let China strong-arm it into spying
Quartz, September 23, 2015

Dear Xi Jinping: I am writing to you as an American Mom of a 19-year old Chinese daughter …
Medium, September 23, 2015

To Obama–Why China does not have a Nelson Mandela
China Change, September 23, 2015

China’s President Xi is “so cute,” says world’s creepiest propaganda video
The Washington Post, September 23, 2015

"内部材料”不是公开“三公”经费的遮羞布 (Government should not use excuse of "internal materials" to conceal “3 public expenditures” –air travel, food and entertainment, and vehicles)
Sichuan News Online, September 23, 2015