Monday, November 09, 2015

Access to Information (信息公开)

文化部:明年起网络音乐需审核后方可上线 (Ministry of Culture: Starting next year, all music must be inspected and approved before going online)
Xinhua, November 9, 2015

New Chinese media ethics committee will promote “healthy and tasteful style”
Hong Kong Free Press, November 6, 2015

昆山工商违法收取查询费, 败诉两年仍未改 (Jiangsu Kunshan Industry and Commerce Department continues to collect “inquiry fees” for business registration information, even 2 years after ruling that such fees are unlawful)
Caixin, November 6, 2015

China seeks to export censorship to overseas-registered domain names: Report
Radio Free Asia, November 6, 2015

Chinese state TV masks Ma Ying-jeou’s Taiwan flag pin
The New York Times, November 6, 2015

Taiwan independence risks rocking “boat of peace”, says China newspaper
The Guardian, November 8, 2015