Monday, November 02, 2015

Access to Justice (司法公正)

强制医疗执行检察监督需破解四难题 (Procuratorial supervision over the enforcement of compulsory medical treatment must resolve 4 problems)
Procuratorate Daily, October 19, 2015

北京推广社区矫正综合管理平台, 社区矫正有了“互联网+”新模式 (Beijing rolls out new “Internet +” model for an integrated management platform for community corrections )
Legal Daily, October 30, 2015

最高人民法院关于《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(九)》时间效力问题的解释 (Supreme People's Court issues explanation on the period of applicability of Criminal Law Amendment (9))
People's Court Paper Online, October 30, 2015