Friday, November 20, 2015

Access to Justice (司法公正)

司法抗干扰必须抓早抓小 (Interference in judicial cases must be checked early and meticulously)
Legal Daily, November 17, 2015

Legal Daily: Interference in judicial cases must be checked early
China Scope, November 19, 2015

赵某甲、杜某、乔某甲犯非法拘禁罪二审刑事判决书, 浙江省温州市中级人民法院 (2015)([2015] Second Instance Appellate Decision in the Case of Zhao X A, Du X and Qiao X A for the crime of unlawful imprisonment, Zhejiang Province Wenzhou City Intermediate People's Court )
Zhejiang Court Decisions Online, November 9, 2015