Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China faces sharp questioning by U.N. Panel on Torture
The New York Times, November 18, 2015

China faces scrutiny in UN Torture Review
Human Rights in China, November 17, 2015

代表建议内容不能涉及司法个案 (Recommendations, Suggestions, and, Criticisms of Representatives’ of People’s Congresses in Sichuan must not touch upon individual judicial cases)
Sichuan Legal News,

虚报瞒报环境统计数据要严查 (False or deceptive reporting of environmental statistical data to be strictly investigated)
Sichuan Legal News, November 13, 2015

甘肃男子17年前被误扣上万黄金, 申请国家赔偿无音讯 (2 Gansu men whose more than 10 thousand grams of gold was wrongly seized over 17 years ago, seek state compensation but get only silence)
CRI Online, November 13, 2015

湘潭大学杀人案当事人被释放, 申请百万国家赔偿 (Defendent in Xiangtan University student murder case accused released as innocent, seeks millions in state compensation)
Legal Daily, November 17, 2015

警方粗暴抓捕致女子患精神疾病, 法院判决公安局赔偿4万余元 (Court orders public security to compensate RMB 40,000 to women who suffers mental illness after being cruelly seized by police)
Anhui News Online, November 17, 2015

Detained top official at China’s securities watchdog “linked to disgraced former presidential aide Ling Jihua”
South China Morning Post, November 18, 2015

Clean “Jack Mas” will reap rewards in China’s fight against corruption: graft-busters
South China Morning Post, November 17, 2015