Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Hong Kong (香港)

【港大泄密風波】張達明:港大禁令涵蓋範圍闊到離譜 (Law academic Eric Cheung on HKU leaks controversy: Coverage of gag order obtained by HKU is unreasonably wide)
Mingpao, November 3, 2015

【港大泄密風波】羅燦指不能以保密協議作擋箭牌:怕人知你們處理不公平? (President of HK News Executives’ Assoc. Stephen Loh on HKU leaks controversy: Confidentiality agreement cannot be the shield, unless you’re afraid people will know the unfairness of your operation)
Mingpao, November 3, 2015

Hong Kong pan-democrats fear election clashes with “umbrella activists” will split pro-democracy vote
South China Morning Post, November 3, 2015

HKFP Interview: “Umbrella soldier” group Youngspiration vows to find new path to democracy
Hong Kong Free Press, October 31, 2015