Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Former DW Journalist Gao Yu's health worsens in detention
高瑜健康堪忧 家人呼吁德司法部长声援
Deutsche Welle, July 6, 2015
EN: http://bit.ly/1M9JqEn
CH: http://bit.ly/1KNJURD

河南检方逮捕刑讯逼供致残当事人的刑警 (Henan prosecutors arrest police officers who used torture to extract confessions from individuals with disabilities)
Radio Free Asia, July 7, 2015

Access to Information (信息公开)

People's Republic of China Cybersecurity Law (Draft)
China National People’s Congress, July 6, 2015
China Law Translate (English translation), July 6, 2015
CH: http://www.npc.gov.cn/npc/xinwen/lfgz/flca/2015-07/06/content_1940614.htm
EN: http://chinalawtranslate.com/网络安全法(草案)/?tpedit=1&lang=en

How China stopped its bloggers
Australian Financial Review, July 4, 2015

Minitrue: July 1 Hong Kong protests
China Digital Times, July 6, 2015

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

头条|广州一社工机构将遭撤销 民政局:其无固定办公地点 (Guangzhou government revokes registration and administratively penalizes social work service center)
China Social Work Times, July 7, 2015

China's five feminists call for UN pressure on Beijing
Radio Free Asia, July 6, 2015
EN: http://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/feminists-07062015134642.html
CH: http://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao/renquanfazhi/Ql2-07062015092310.html

Open Letter: Chinese feminist five seek UN help to have case against them dropped
ChinaChange, July 6, 2015

Government Accountability (政府问责)

United Nations Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt and other related international financial obligations of States on the full enjoyment of all human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights Mr. Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
Office of High Commissioner on Human Rights, July 6, 2015

Communist Party chief at time of deadly 2009 riots in Western Chinese city expelled and faces graft charges
South China Morning Post, July 6, 2015

中国反腐:新疆前中共高官栗智遭查处 (China’s anti-corruption campaign: Li Zhi, former senior CPC official in Xinjiang, expelled and under investigation)
British Broadcasting Corporation, July 6, 2015

Hong Kong (香港)

China's new National Security Law casts a fearsome shadow over Hong Kong
Global Voices, July 7, 2015

Provocative images depicting differences between Hong Kong and China highlight inter-cultural conflict
Global Voices, July 6, 2015

Student activist Joshua Wong faces charges over Hong Kong “white paper” protest last year
South China Morning Post, July 6, 2015

DAB leader Starry Lee Wai-king says Hong Kong's pro-Beijing camp will “learn the lesson” of bungled electoral reform vote
South China Morning Post, July 7, 2015

National Security & Counterterrorism (国家安全和反恐)

UN human rights chief says China’s new security law is too broad, too vague
Office of High Commissioner on Human Rights, July 6, 2015

一男乘客“纵火”被控制 城北客运站开展反恐演练 (Northern transport hub of Xi’an stages subduing an arsonist as part of counter-terrorism exercise)
Huasheng Network, 2015-07-07

上合组织反恐机构将与印度共同建立反IS机制 (SCO and India establish joint anti-Islamic State mechanism)
Chinanews.com, 2015-07-07

昆明特警RTU上岗 专治街头暴力犯罪、恐怖袭击(组图) (Kunming’s “Response Tactical Unit” begins work, specifically targets violent street crime and terrorist attacks [pictures])
Yunnan Online, 2015-07-06

Repression in China and its consequences in Xinjiang
Hudson Institue, July 28, 2014

Opinion and Editorial (观点和社论)

Is Beijing in danger of losing “Hong Kong”?
The Diplomat, July 6, 2015