Friday, November 13, 2015

Access to Justice (司法公正)

北京91名民警赴柬埔寨执行押解任务, 打击犯罪之外体现人文关怀, 记者亲历警方16小时境外押解嫌犯 (91 Beijing police embody care and humanity when taking criminals from Cambodia back to China, reporter witnesses process during 16 hours alongside them)
Legal Daily, November 10, 2015

律师参与化解信访案不能当“说客 (Lawyers participating in resolution of petitioning cases cannot act as intermediaries)
Legal Daily, November 12, 2015

Calls grow to free tortured rights lawyer ahead of U.N. review
Radio Free Asia, November 12, 2015

Human rights lawyers in China tell harrowing stories about their own torture and abuse
Quartz, November 12, 2015

Parallel submission to the Committee Against Torture in advance of the review of the PRC's fifth report
Human Rights in China, November 2015

维权律师群体就被禁止出境事宜致北京市公安局抗议 (Group of human rights lawyers write complaint letter to Beijing Public Security Bureau protesting abusive border control)
Radio France Internationale, November 12, 2015中国/20151112-维权律师群体就被禁止出境事宜致北京市公安局抗议

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

NGO境外资助方数量滑坡 两年剧降近四成 (Foreign funding for NGOs drastically dropped almost 40% in 2 years)
Caixin, November 12, 2015

Chinese workers at Walmart campaign for higher wages, union elections
Radio Free Asia, November 13, 2015

China’s Communist Party could reach out to dissidents in drive to mobilize allies, top political adviser says
South China Morning Post, November 12, 2015

Government Accountability (政府问责)

福州智障女失踪多天后死亡, 家属:女儿是饿死的 (Mentally disabled Fuzhou woman found dead 41 days after being left on roadside by police, family: Our daughter starved to death)
Fuzhou News Online, November 12, 2015

China’s corruption crackdown is so vast, top officials from every single province have been nabbed
Quartz, November 12, 2015

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

In China, tough local rivals await Google
The Wall Street Journal, November 11, 2015

China, U.S. discuss law enforcement cooperation on cybercrimes
The Diplomat, November 13, 2015

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong university council backs ex-chair's bid to seek media gag order
South China Morning Post, November 12, 2015

Lingnan U president warns localist prof to “mind your words or suffer the consequences”
Hong Kong Free Press, November 12, 2015

香港人权组织游说联合国审议中国酷刑 (Hong Kong rights groups to call on UN to review torture in China)
Voice of America, November 13, 2015

聯合國查港酷刑 曾健超隨團赴聆訊 (UN Committee Against Torture to investigate torture in Hong Kong, victim of police beating during Umbrella Movement Ken Tsang will attend hearing)
Apple Daily, November 10, 2015

Counterterrorism (反恐)

China's potential pitfalls #4: Splittist forces
The Diplomat, November 13, 2015

Opinion and Editorial (观点和社论)

Beijing better sit down with the Dalai Lama: Column
USA Today, November 12, 2015

社交媒體壯大還是弱化公民社會? (Is social media strengthening or weakening civil society?)
InMedia HK, November 13, 2015