Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Access to Information (信息公开)

中国官媒强调台湾大选变天并非因为两岸关系 (Chinese state media stresses that changes in Taiwan’s political landscape following the presidential election are not caused by cross-strait relationship)
Radio France Internationale, January 18, 2016

国际记者联合会关注中国记者最新受迫害事件 (International Federation of Journalists expresses concern about China’s latest repression of journalists)
Voice of America, January 18, 2016

False emissions reporting undermines China's pollution fight
Reuters, January 17, 2016

China's health forum scandal and public mistrust
British Broadcasting Corporation, January 18, 2016

法资书店禁书寒风中独市卖中国政治书 (French owned bookstore remains the only seller of Chinese political titles during “banned books chill”)
Radio France Internationale, January 15, 2016