Thursday, February 25, 2016

Government Accountability (政府问责)

服务大局服务发展, 广东晒出开年政法工作“清单” (Serve the overall situation and development, Guangdong unveils its annual “to do” list for politics and law work)
Legal Daily, February 23, 2016

最高法已就念斌国家赔偿申诉立案, 申诉未提精神抚慰金 (SPC accepts Nian Bin state compensation appeal which does not include compensation for emotional harm)
China Youth Online, February 24, 2016

To curb graft in Guangzhou, it takes a village
Caixin, February 24, 2016

国际特赦批评中国控制升级及镇压更严厉 (Amnesty International criticizes China for heightened control and more severe crackdown)
Radio Free Asia, February 24, 2016