Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Renowned activist Guo Feixiong’s health deteriorates, sister calls for emergency medical parole
China Change, March 8, 2016

Defendants “presumed guilty” in China’s courts, says top lawyer: Presumption of guilt is widespread among law enforcers and leads to torture, delegate says
South China Morning Post, March 9, 2016

人民法院受理拐卖妇女儿童案逐年下降,去年审结此类案件853件 判处犯罪分子1362人 (Each year, people's courts are handling fewer cases of trafficking of women and children, last year 853 such cases were tried, with 1,362 persons sentenced)
Legal Daily, March 7, 2016

政府工作报告:把政府活动纳入法治轨道 (Government work report: bring government activities onto the rule of law track)
Legal Daily, March 7, 2016

无人机“飞进”法律真空地带, 刘庆峰代表建议将无人机监管列入民用航空法 (Drones are “flying into” legal vacuum, NPC deputy Liu Qingfeng suggests using civil aviation law to regulate drones)
Legal Daily, March 7, 2016