Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hong Kong (香港)

Education proposals spark controversy in Hong Kong
Voice of America, March 21, 2016

Scholarism’s Agnes Chow urges locals to get involved in debate on Hong Kong’s future
South China Morning Post, March 22, 2016

香港新闻自由持续恶化 记协忧劣势已成 (Hong Kong’s press freedom continues to worsen, the Journalists Association worries that the damage has already been done)
Radio France Internationale, March 22, 2016

【國立爭議】中大交換計劃網站 國立台灣大學英文名不見National(國立) 中大:和所有合作院校有良好溝通 ([Dispute over “National”] CUHK exchange program website omits the word “National” for “National Taiwan University”, CUHK claims to have good communication with all partnering institutes)
Ming Pao, March 22, 2016

劇團場刊被迫刪「國立」二字 康文署捱轟 台藝大遺憾 (The word “National” intentionally taken off on theatre program, Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department accused, Taipei National University of the Arts expresses regrets)
AM730, March 22, 2016