Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong student activists ejected from youth forum after shouting down Carrie Lam
South China Morning Post, March 7, 2016

Fear-jerker. A film abhorrent to the Communist Party has proved a hit in the territory
The Economist, March 5, 2016

Exclusive: Email reveals Lee Po feared Gui Minhai kidnapped by Chinese agents before he himself disappeared
South China Morning Post, March 8, 2016

【七警案】律政司要求傳媒交新聞片及攝影師身分 高院拒申請 ([The seven policemen’s violence case] Department of Justice asks for media news footages and identities of the videographers, refused by the High Court)
Ming Pao, March 8, 2016

Character assassination? Hong Kong’s furore over simplified Chinese
“暗杀”繁体字?简体字实用 但不必进校园
South China Morning Post, March 8, 2016
EN: http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education-community/article/1920406/character-assassination-hong-kongs-furore-over
CH: http://www.nanzao.com/sc/hk-macau-tw/15350f86507520f/an-sha-fan-ti-zi-jian-ti-zi-shi-yong-dan-bu-bi-jin-xiao-yuan