Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Hong Kong (香港)

New questions emerge over HK booksellers’ detentions
China Digital Times, March 9, 2016

Hong Kong writer detained in mainland China in 2012, interrogated about identities of those behind banned publications
South China Morning Post, March 8, 2016

Student activists contempt charges to remain despite Dept. of Justice delay, High Court rules
Hong Kong Free Press, March 8, 2016

【旺角暴力衝突】監警會暫收24宗須匯報投訴 含明報記者涉被毆打 無交警向天開槍 ([Mongkok violent dispute] Independent Police Complaints Council receives 24 reportable complaints to date, including Ming Pao journalist being beaten, not including traffic police firing in the air)
Ming Pao, March 9, 2016

【兩會】王光亞指香港「出了點事」 但中央對港政策不變 ([The two sessions] Director of Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office Wang Guangya says “some accidents took place” in Hong Kong, but central government’s policy to Hong Kong wouldn’t change)
Ming Pao, March 9, 2016

港大民调赞成台湾独立者创新高 (HKU poll shows new high of support for Taiwan independence)
Voice of America, March 9, 2016

香港八大高校学生会 有多支持本土主义? (How much do Hong Kong’s eight university student associations support localism?)
South China Morning Post, March 9, 2016