Wednesday, March 23, 2016

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

扫黄打非办严打涉“黄”网络直播平台 (Campaign to eradicate pornography cracks down on live streaming platforms)
Legal Daily, March 21, 2016

有偿删帖涉嫌多重违法犯罪 (Paid deletion of user posts suspected of many serious criminal violations)
Legal Daily, March 20, 2016

美反恐专家:FBI与苹果争执别有用心, 控制科技公司 (U.S. counterterrorism expert: FBI's battle with Apple is motivated by attempt to control science and technology companies)
Phoenix Science and Technology Online, March 21, 2016

运用大数据网格管理技术保障城市安全和公共服务 (Use big data grid management technologies to guarantee city security and public services)
Legal Daily, March 22, 2016