Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Access to Justice (司法公正)

老手段+新科技打赢“破案打流”战, 江西安福公安3年侦破各类刑案近2000起 (Old methods plus new technology bring victory in fight to solve cases, Jiangxi's Anfu Public Security solved nearly 2,000 different types of criminal cases in 3 years)
Legal Daily, April 7, 2016

缺乏完善有效干预机制措施专家建议, 宽容但不纵容青少年犯罪 (Lacking a perfect, effective intervention mechanism, experts suggest leniency without indulgence for juvenile crime)
Legal Daily, April 7, 2016

陕西上门女婿遭岳父虐待服农药身亡, 岳父获刑5年 (Father-in-law of Shaanxi man who committed suicide by taking pesticide after mistreatment by him gets 5 years)
The Paper, April 7, 2016

余文生律师妻子许艳:写于王宇律师被关9个月整之日 (Wife of lawyer Lu Wensheng: Writing as Wang Yu's detention reaches 9 months)
Weiquanwang, April 9, 2016

Job discrimination case raises questions of transgender rights in China
The New York Times, April 12, 2016
EN: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/12/world/asia/china-transgender-labor-discrimination.html
CH: http://cn.nytimes.com/china/20160412/c12chinatrans/