Monday, April 18, 2016

Hong Kong (香港)

Democratic Party lines up young guns to fight Hong Kong Legco elections
South China Morning Post, April 18, 2016

“First academic casualty after Occupy”: Lingnan Uni refuses to renew contract of radical professor
Hong Kong Free Press, April 14, 2016

Missing booksellers and HKU’s Johannes Chan cases highlighted in U.S. human rights report
Hong Kong Free Press, April 14, 2016

【港獨爭拗】如何說服中央接受公投? 羅冠聰指言之尚早 先累積實力([Dispute over Hong Kong’s independence] How to convince Beijing to accept referendum? Demosisto chairman Nathan Law says it’s too early to say, better gather strength first)
Ming Pao, April 17, 2016

【港獨爭拗】李彭廣:中共革命是否叛國? 籲多看歷史 從根源解決問題 ([Dispute over Hong Kong’s independence] Dr. Li Pang-kwong asks if CPC’s revolution was treason, urging the public to take reference from history, and solve problems from the roots)
Ming Pao, April 17, 2016