Friday, April 15, 2016

Opinion and Editorial (观点和社论)

时事大家谈:香港为何与北京渐行渐远? (Current Affairs Discussion: Why are Hong Kong and Beijing walking farther away from each other?)
Voice of America, April 15, 2016

多少市民自認屬本土派? 3月調查研究的結果(文:李立峯) (How many citizens claim to be localists? March survey results)
Ming Pao, April 15, 2016

以殺戮對付殺戮:當政權藉反恐之名對付異見者…(文:國際特赦組織香港分會) (Amnesty International Hong Kong: Slaughtering to cope with slaughtering—When regimes punish dissidents in the name of counterterrorism…)
Ming Pao, April 15, 2016