Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Hong Kong (香港)

国际记者组织谴责中国威胁香港记者 (International journalist groups denounce China’s threat to Hong Kong journalists)
Voice of America, June 28, 2016

UK human rights report notes “severe breach” in Hong Kong autonomy agreement
Hong Kong Free Press, June 29, 2016

香港民运团体:以七一游行向梁振英施政说不 (Hong Kong civil movement group: Say no to CY Leung administration by July 1 demonstration)
Radio Free Asia, June 28, 2016

【七一遊行】環時斥挑戰內地 反對派傾向變「全中國反對派」 違基本法精神 ([July 1 demonstration] Global Times criticizes the march as anti-mainland, leans towards becoming a “total rejection of China camp,” violating Basic Law spirit)
Ming Pao, June 29, 2016

劉小麗撐小販遭理大打壓 不放棄教職:我真係好鍾意教書 (Lau Siu-lai repressed by PolyU because of supporting hawkers, refuses to give up teaching post, affirming her love for teaching)
InMedia HK, June 29, 2016

Ottawa seeks answers: HK-born Canadians are denied 10-year mainland visas, and told to travel as Chinese citizens, reports claim
South China Morning Post, June 29, 2016