联合国人权理事会通过保障网络自由草案 中国受到国际谴责 (United Nations Human Rights Council passes resolution for protecting Internet freedom, China denounced by international community)
Radio Free Asia, July 6, 2016
China’s communist cadre cradle pledges not to rock party boat after teachers rapped for “spreading Western values”
South China Morning Post, July 6, 2016
China charges Tiananmen massacre alcohol label activists with “inciting subversion of state power”
Hong Kong Free Press, July 7, 2016
Decision, maybe momentous, nears in case China has tried to ignore
The New York Times, July 7, 2016
EN: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/07/world/asia/china-hague-philippines-spratlys.html
CH: http://cn.nytimes.com/china/20160707/china-hague-philippines-spratlys/