Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Opinion and Editorial (观点和社论)

Hu Shigen: The prominent yet obscure political prisoner
China Change, August 2, 2016

Drawing the news: Black Friday “confessions”
China Digital Times, August 2, 2016

質疑基本法不等同不擁護(文:劉進圖) (Former Ming Pao chief editor Kevin Lau: Questioning of Basic Law does not mean rejection of it)
Ming Pao, August 3, 2016

【立會選舉】陳文敏質疑選舉主任權力 憂開「危險先例」 釋法衝擊司法制度 ([LegCo election] Johannes Chan questions EAC Returning Officer’s power, worries that “dangerous example” is made, and an eventual interpretation of the law would shake the judicial system)
Ming Pao, August 3, 2016