Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hong Kong (香港)

U.S. gov’t urged to rethink Hong Kong policy if threats to autonomy, rule of law, press freedom continue
Hong Kong Free Press, October 7, 2016

【黃之鋒泰國被扣押】泰首相稱是「中國議題」 袁國強:有不同翻譯 無資格代澄清 ([Joshua Wong detained in Thailand] Thai PM: It’s a “matter for China”; Hong Kong Justice Sec Rimsky Yuen: there are different translations, not in the position to do clarifications)
Ming Pao, October 7, 2016

香港四成受访市民如有机会冀移民 因对政治、居住环境等不满--调查 (Investigations: Dissatisfied with political, living environments, etc., 40% of Hong Kong interviewees wish to emigrate whenever possible)
Reuters, October 11, 2016

Hong Kong stages “Chairman Mao” Cantonese opera amid strong criticism
Radio Free Asia, October 7, 2016