Friday, December 09, 2016

Hong Kong (香港)

北京不同意 梁振英悵然宣布不競選連任 (Without endorsement from Beijing, CY Leung will not seek re-election)
Radio France Internationale, December 9, 2016中國/20161209-北京不同意-梁振英悵然宣布不競選連任

Almost 70% Hongkongers oppose re-election of CY Leung, Democratic Party poll suggests
Hong Kong Free Press, December 9, 2016

【短片:朱經緯涉打人】投訴警察課擬以濫權代毆打指控 黎棟國:雙方就證據交換意見正常不過 ([Former superintendent Franklin Chu’s alleged violence] Complaints Against Police Office changes “assault” allegation to less serious “unauthorized use of authority,” Security Sec Lai Tung-kwok says exchange of opinions between CAPO and its watchdog IPCC is simply normal)
Ming Pao, December 8, 2016

被取消議員資格梁頌恆收附刀片恐嚇信 (Ousted lawmaker Baggio Leung receives death threat with blade in post)
Radio France Internationale, December 9, 2016政治/20161208-被取消議員資格梁頌恆收附刀片恐嚇信

港自決派黃台仰將赴台 與台獨組織交流 (Advocate of self-determination Wong Toi-yeung goes to Taiwan and will exchange with Taiwanese independence organization)
Radio France Internationale, December 9, 2016中國/20161209-港自決派黃台仰將赴台-與台獨組織交流