Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

Unsolved problems hang over Hong Kong leader's last policy address
Reuters, January 18, 2017

梁振英冀民主派推願接受基本法規定者參選特首選舉 (C.Y. Leung hopes pro-democracy camp will nominate candidates who accept the restrictions under the Basic Law)
Radio Television Hong Kong, January 19, 2017

John Tsang formally declares bid to lead Hong Kong and vows to “restore hope to city in time of great uncertainty”
South China Morning Post, January 19, 2017

曾俊華:決定競逐下屆行政長官 (John Tsang: I have decided to run for the next CE)
Radio Television Hong Kong, January 19, 2017

曾鈺成指京若2047取消一國兩制未違承諾 視乎國家利益定奪 (Jasper Tsang: It’s not a broken promise if Beijing cancels One Country Two Systems in 2047, it must depend on the national interest)
Mingpao, January 19, 2017

香港民族黨及青年新政年宵攤檔 遭食環署終止租約 稱「可能危害公共秩序」(FEHD banned stalls of Hong Kong National Party and Youngspiration at Lunar New Year’s fair, stating that they “may endanger public order”)
Mingpao, January 19, 2017