Monday, January 23, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

Why China's supporters in Hong Kong are divided
The Diplomat, January 20, 2017

曾鈺成:接受反對派「推倒8‧31」要求沒可能當選 (Jasper Tsang: Those who accept the opposition’s demand to “overturn August 31 Decision” will never be elected)
Mingpao, January 23, 2017

暗示对手不被北京接受? 林郑陷"失言"风波 (Hinting that her opponents aren’t accepted by Beijing? Carrie Lam caught in “gaffe” scandal)
Deutsche Welle, January 22, 2017暗示对手不被北京接受林郑陷失言风波/a-37232533

民主動力倡計劃予市民向選委推薦特首人選 被提名人士需符3項條件 (Power for Democracy launches campaign for general public to nominate CE candidate, nominee should meet 3 requirements)
Mingpao, January 22, 2017

香港维园年宵 支联会设六四展馆 呼吁勿忘历实 (Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China sets up mini June-Fourth museum in Lunar new year market, advocates to never forget historical truth)
Radio Free Asia, January 22, 2017

逾百議員、選委及學者等聯署要求撤消對4議員司法覆核 (Over 100 scholars, Legco and Election Committee members petition for gov’t to drop judicial review cases against 4 Legco members)
Radio Television Hong Kong, January 21, 2017