Monday, February 27, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

江天勇父亲诉官媒遭驳回 提上诉 (Father of Jiang Tianyong appeals to Shanghai court for its rejection of his suit against state media)
Radio Free Asia, February 24, 2017

李文足赴法院确认王全璋案经办法官 深圳大抓捕再有一人被监视居住 (Wang Chuanzhang’s wife Li Wenzu goes to court to confirm judge for husband’s case, another citizen from “Shenzhen Crackdown” surveilled by authorities)
Radio Free Asia, February 24, 2017

中国为避免冤假错案立“规矩”(China issues new “rules” to avoid wrongful convictions and prosecutions)
People’s Daily, February 27, 2017

Chinese human rights lawyer longs to keep fight for justice, despite year-long suspension
South China Morning Post, February 27, 2017