Hong Kong likely to choose Beijing's pick for leader amid tension, economic malaise
Reuters, March 23, 2017
Hong Kong’s unhappy selection
The Wall Street Journal, March 23, 2017
https://www.wsj.com/articles/hong-kongs-unhappy-selection-1490311572 选拔还是选举 香港在北京的眼皮底下投票 (Audition or election? Hong Kong to vote under Beijing’s watch)
Radio France Internationale, March 22, 2017
http://cn.rfi.fr/中国/20170323-选拔还是选举-香港在北京的眼皮底下投票 左派發炮 六千字長文引述權威人士 列中央不信任曾俊華三理由 (“Attack” from the left: 6000-word essay released quoting “authority” listing three reasons why Central gov’t does not trust John Tsang)
Mingpao, March 24, 2017