Monday, April 10, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

无国界记者忧港新闻自由分部改设台北 (Asian headquarters of Reporters Without Borders to be set in Taipei amid worries about press freedom in Hong Kong)
Voice of America, April 9, 2017

香港旺角骚乱者 判监四年九个月 (Activist sentenced to 57-months imprisonment over Mong Kok civil unrest)
Deutsche Welle, April 10, 2017香港旺角骚乱者-判监四年九个月/a-38367042

Localist Hong Kong lawmaker faces charges for turning flags upside down in Legco chamber
South China Morning Post, April 10, 2017

立會內倒插國旗區旗 鄭松泰:接警通知落案起訴 (Cheng Chung-tai receives prosecution notice from police for turning National flag and Hong Kong flag upside down before Legco meeting last year)
Mingpao, April 10, 2017

香港民族黨申公司名被拒 被指違基本法 將向公司註冊處提上訴 (Hong Kong National Party to appeal Company Registry’s rejection of their application to register a company name for violation of Basic Law)
Mingpao, April 10, 2017