Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong police detain pro-independence lawmakers after China protest
The Guardian, April 26, 2017

梁游今早涉立會非法集結被預約拘捕 青政fb指已準備付一切代價保衛香港 (Baggio Leung and Yau Wai-ching arrested this morning for illegal assembly in Legco, “prepared to pay anything to protect of Hong Kong”, says Youngspiration on Facebook)
Mingpao, April 26, 2017

《大公報》時評批挑釁法治 質疑有否批准叫「公民廣場」(Ta Kung Pao commentary says the opposition’s call for reopening of Civic Square is a challenge against rule of law, doubts whether the name “Civic Square” has ever been allowed)
Mingpao, April 26, 2017

審計報告:未有明確結論顯示普教中較廣東話有效 (Audit report: No evidence shows Mandarin more effective than Cantonese as medium in teaching of Chinese language)
Radio Television Hong Kong, April 26, 2017