Friday, May 05, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong lawyers head urges Beijing to listen and not rush Basic Law interpretation
South China Morning Post, May 5, 2017

中国全国人大拟立《国歌法》剑指“港独”?(National People’s Congress to enact “National Anthem Law” to curb Hong Kong independence?)
British Broadcasting Corporation, May 4, 2017

全国人大常委会公布2017年立法工作计划 (National People’s Congress publishes Legislative Work Plan for 2017)
National People’s Congress of PRC, May 3, 2017

黃之鋒林榮基赴美聽證會 環時轟「漢奸」告洋狀 指若損國家發展「法律定會懲處」 (Joshua Wong and Lam Wing-kee attend U.S. congress hearings, party mouthpiece Global Times criticizes them for being “traitors”, says they will be “punished by law” for hindering state’s development)
Mingpao, May 5, 2017

香港引致廣東霧霾? 前天文台長反駁梁振英 指政府欠科學常識 (Hong Kong causes smog in Guangdong? Former director of Hong Kong Observatory refutes C.Y. Leung’s comment, says gov’t lacks scientific knowledge)
Stand News, May 1, 2017香港引致廣東霧霾-前天文台長反駁梁振英-指政府欠科學常識/