Monday, May 08, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

香港法院审理九名社运人士被控“非法集结”案件 (Hong Kong court handles “illegal assembly” charges against nine activists)
Radio Free Asia, May 5, 2017

有消息指林郑希望中央及中联办不要对她的工作“指指点点” (Carrie Lam wants central gov’t and the liaison office to stop “directing” her work , according to sources)
Radio France Internationale, May 7, 2017港澳台/20170507-有消息指林郑希望中央及中联办不要对她的工作“指指点点”

范太指民主派促撤回8.31是「政治不夠班」 籲社會思考把民主派「由雲端拉下來」(Rita Fan says Democrats are “politically unqualified” to call for repealing 8.31 framework, encourages society to “pull Democrats out of the clouds”)
Mingpao, May 6, 2017

专访:“香港众志”政治低潮中摸索新出路 (Interview: Demosisto to find new path amid political downturn)
Deutsche Welle, May 6, 2017专访香港众志政治低潮中摸索新出路/a-38735716

Video: Hong Kong activists accuse gov’t of using law to silence dissenting voices
Hong Kong Free Press, May 5, 2017