709事件被捕律師家屬到最高人民法院信訪處被阻進入 (Family of “709” lawyers stopped at petition office of Supreme People's Court)
Radio Television Hong Kong, July 28, 2017
律师权益关注:709李和平和王宇在关押期间曾要求见律师并提供了名单 未被允许 (Li Heping and Wang Yu demanded to meet with their designated lawyers during detention but weren’t allowed)
Weiquanwang, July 27, 2017
大陆54名律师联署《关于国务院不履行审查撤销司法部违法规章法定职责的监督书》 (54 lawyers in the mainland signed letter urging the State Council to remove Justice department’s unlawful authority of law firm management and the annual inspection of lawyers)
Weiquanwang, July 27, 2017
张海涛狱中单独囚禁 期盼律师代其申诉遭拒绝 (Political prisoner Zhang Haitao in solitary confinement and banned from hiring a lawyer to appeal his case)
Radio Free Asia, July 27, 2017
Uighurs arrested in Egypt face unknown fate
Al Jazeera, July 27, 2017
Police in Italy detain Uyghur exile group leader at China’s behest
Radio Free Asia, July 26, 2017