Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Special Feature: Liu Xiaobo (特辑:刘晓波)

We hope our expanded special feature on Liu Xiaobo—including news items, analyses of the significance of his life and work, international support for Liu Xia and calls for accountability, and commentaries—will be a useful information resource and help generate more effective action by the international community. Liu Xiaobo was a prominent Chinese public intellectual and 2010 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, recognized for “his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental rights in China.” He died of liver cancer on July 13, 2017 in Chinese custody.

News (新闻) Assessments: Liu Xiaobo’s Life & Work (评价:刘晓波的审评和著作)

Liu Xiaobo memorial service: After tribute, six including lawyers, activists detained; two go missing
First Post, July 25, 2017

International Support for Liu Xia (国际社会给刘霞的声援)

民主黨林子健收「遲來的」美斯簽名照 盼轉交劉霞表心意 (Autographed photo from Messi to Liu Xiaobo received by Hong Kong democratic party member)
Mingpao, July 26, 2017

鲁比奥参议员致刘晓波遗孀刘霞的公开信 (Sen. Rubio’s open letter to Liu Xia, Liu Xiaobo’s widow)
Voice of America, July 25, 2017

Liu Xiaobo’s Death is a Stain on the CPC, International Community Must Press for Liu Xia’s Freedom
Human Rights in China, July 13, 2017
Commentary (评论)

What Liu Xiaobo’s death says about China’s two futures
Gina Anne Tam and Jeffrey Wasserstrom, The Nation, July 25, 2017

Liu Xiaobo: A moderate, constructive, brilliant intellectual robbed of his rights and dignity to the very end
Hong Kong Free Press, July 14, 2017


News (新闻)