Friday, August 25, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

打人就是上班: "领工资的人"狂殴湖北鄂州家庭教会信徒 (“Beating people up is my job” –Dozens of men attack family church members in Hubei)
Radio Free Asia, August 24, 2017

父亲上访获刑四年 女儿替父伸冤遭刑拘 (Daughter of jailed petitioner gets criminally detained in Shandong for demanding justice for her father)
Radio Free Asia, August 24, 2017

政治犯秦永敏羁押逾两年首次见律师 要求公开庭审 (Political prisoner Qin Yongmin meets with lawyer for the first time after being detained more than two years ago and demands open trial)
Radio Free Asia, August 24, 2017

全国律协:反对给律师乱贴“官派律师”“死磕律师”标签 (All China Lawyers Association: Reject randomly labeling lawyers as “officially-appointed lawyers” and “diehard lawyers”), August 24, 2017

律师协会“两个中心”维权与惩戒并举 受理维权申请178件 接待投诉2362件 (The “Two Centers” of lawyers associations handled 178 rights defense cases and 2362 complaint cases)
Legal Daily, August 24, 2017