Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

中国大陆异议人士杨天水脑瘤手术结束 (Chinese dissident Yang Tianshui, aka Yang Tongyan, receives brain surgery to treat his brain tumor)
Radio Free Asia, August 28, 2017

司法部邀維權律師研討 「點名」通知出席 部長授課 (Department of Justice in China invites rights lawyers to seminar and attend classes taught by head of the Department)
Mingpao, August 29, 2017

深圳前政法委書記蔣尊玉受賄8522萬 囚終身充公財產 (Jiang Zunyu, former Secretary of the Shenzhen Political and Legal Affairs Commission sentenced to life for accepting bribes of RMB 8.52 million)
Mingpao, August 28, 2017

2長者被捕!涉WeChat謠傳政府瞞停車場5死 (Two seniors arrested in Macau for sending WeChat messages about gov’t concealing the number of typhoon victims)
Apple Daily, August 28, 2017

维权律师刘尧被判刑20年 将提上诉 (Rights lawyer Liu Yao sentenced to 20 years in prison, his lawyer says he will appeal)
Radio Free Asia, August 28, 2017

在华外企也要加强党的领导 (Foreign companies in China will beef up Party leadership)
Deutsche Welle, August 27, 2017

酷刑报告:四川维权人士陈明燕在雅安看守所被管教虐待的控告状 (Sichuan rights defender Chen Mingyan sues detention center in Ya’an for torture)
Weiquanwang, August 27, 2017

China law threatens 15 days of jail for improper anthem use
Associated Press, August 28, 2017